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Why Is Uganda Called The Pearl Of Africa?

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The first ever reference where Uganda was referred to as the Peal of Africa was in the book written by Winston Churchill in 1908. The book was called “My African Journey” where he referred Uganda as the Pearl of Africa due to its exceptional magnificence and sights it offered him on his expedition. However, there is no doubt that Uganda truly is the fairytale land of Africa with its exceptional scenery, extraordinary climate and skies, snow capped mountains, rich biodiversity, profusion, African Safari Trips, and the kind of people – it will amaze you! Here are a few of the reasons as to why Uganda is popularly known and called as the Pearl of Africa.

1. Mountain Gorillas

Mountain gorillas are known to be an endangered species and can only be found in three countries in the whole wide world. These three countries include DRC, Rwanda, and Uganda. However, in Uganda alone, you can easily find half of the world remaining mountain gorilla population in its top conservation destinations especially designed for endangered species. When in Uganda, you can experience the moment when you meet these mountain gorillas for the very first time in your life. It has to be an out of the world and miraculous experience of getting to meet one of the most endangered species face to face. If will only cost you $600 to meet these exceptional primates.

2. Ranks in Top 10 Biodiverse Countries in the World

When it comes to biodiversity, Uganda might be a very small looking estate, however, it sure does comes in the top ten countries that are bio-diverse. Uganda at times is also referred to as a gift by nature to mankind. On the other hand, Affordable African Safari gives you the permit to see the Big-7 that resides in Uganda. These Big-7 includes, Lions, hippos, buffaloes, Chimpanzees, Elephants, Rhinos, leopards, and Mountain Gorillas. Apart from this, you can also witness over 1,160 species of birds that reside in the forest of Uganda on your African safari. In addition to all this, you will the largest population of crocodiles in River Nile as they bath themselves in the sun and see the endangered Nubian-Rothschild Giraffes.

3. Brings You Delicious Mouth-Watering Foods

Uganda is home to diverse cultures and every culture there have their very own scrumptious customary dishes that set their culture apart. Every part of Uganda presents you with a unique and delicious blend of food for your taste buds. When you decide to travel the East, you will be welcomed by the traditional dish of East known as “Malewa”. Malewa is made up of smoked bamboo shoot, it truly is a traditional Gishu meat and eaten with smoked sweet potatoes and steamed rice. Similarly, if you decide to travel up north, you will get to taste the tantalizing mean that comprises of sweet and sour “Malakwang” that is purely prepared from Hibiscus and groundnuts paste. Malakwang is usually eaten with millet bread, sweet potatoes, or cassava. However, when you travel to Central Uganda, you will enjoy their Luwombo delicacy. It’s either made with chicken, beef or fish, where it’s wrapped up in banana leaves and are steamed cooked. These delicious delicacies of Uganda are what people after remember, such is the taste of Uganda that will last forever on your tongue.

4. Hospitable and Welcoming People

One of the reasons as to why Uganda is known as the Pearl of Africa is due to the friendly and hospitable people it possesses. Ugandans are excellent host when it comes to Africa, it’s guaranteed that you will not find anyone like them in the whole of Africa. Ugandans are very welcoming and open people. When Winston Churchill was visiting Uganda, he found Uganda to host the friendliest people in all over Africa. He was so much moved by their hospitality that he ended up writing about it in his book, "My African Journey”.